Friday, March 09, 2007


sweetness follows

the wisdom peeking out

behind rapid eye movements

in moments of weakness.

cold shoulders

mask fear and loathing

of the young and the tamed

in their prime.

another one

of the urban disillusioned

wears perfect fitting puddles of life

in the darkskinned backalleys.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

spaceman spiff

torn between solar systems

a little boy,

in a spaceship tumbling towards infinity;

hurtling across through

blind craters,

each gaping in rare panic frenzy.

little boy makes himself

at home

in a spaceship, laying his worries down;

he shuts his eyes to murmur

to himself,

while waiting, for the night sky to surrender.

hungry eyes devour all that is present

to make it disappear

make it all disappear

disappear in a hurricane of blindness

veiled by the shadow

cast by my meandering self

heading back to my domicile.